is an artist and researcher, interested in temporal and relational forms of the image and image-practices.
Drawing inspiration from strategies of montage, while using both analogue film, video, text and display aesthetic elements, my spatial work and performative demonstrations are usually effects of lenghty, collaborative and multifaceted investigative processes: E.g. in the archives of the National Museum of Denmark, at a research station in Greenland or among taxi drivers on Svalbard.
Out of a fundamental dissatisfaction with the representational discourse, and its historical and colonial legacy, I have written the book Geo-Aesthetical Discontent: Svalbard, the Guide and Post-future Essayism - the result of a practice-based artistic PhD project and urge for methodological reorientation of (linear) storylines towards new constellations between thinking and image, the archive and social processes, authenticity and authorship.
This makes mediation a key term, process and milieu, and video live-editing a performative and situated cinematic expression that I keep returning to.
As part of my artistic practice I have developed a consistent writing practice, as well as a role as educator and organizer. Also I have an ongoing collaboration with artist Mia Edelgart and filmmaker Tinne Zenner. The later particularly concerning Denmark's colonial presence in Greenland - past and present.